Royal Lace Butter Dishes

If you are searching for information on Depression Glass, you have come to the right place!  If you don’t know what Depression Glass pattern you have, use the navigation tabs above to get started by the color of the glass.  If you know what Depression Glass pattern you have, use the Glass Pattern Directory on the left to learn more about your pattern.

Depression glass is so named because it was made in the United States primarily during the Great Depression — from the middle 1920s through the 1930s.  Although the majority of depression glass patterns were made in crystal, colored glass became very popular.  In order of their popularity, the top depression glass colors were:  pink, green, amber-yellow, cobalt-blue, red-ruby, black, and amethyst.  The glass has been called “cheap” or “poor” glass because it was mass manufactured by machine, and often given away as a premium or promotional gift for buying a certain product.  It was also used as an incentive gift to get people to buy at a local store, and often could be acquired by saving coupons off of purchases.