Fortune Tumblers
There are two types of tumblers in the Fortune pattern. The five ounce juice tumbler stands three and one-half inches tall. The nine ounce water tumbler stands four inches tall.
Two different types of domino trays were made in the Cameo Ballerina pattern. One was seven inches in diameter with a three inch indentation and was made in the color green. The other was also seven inches in diameter. However, it didn’t have an indentation and was made in the colors pink and crystal with…
Two different plates were made in the Fortune pattern. The sherbet plate is six inches in diameter, and the luncheon plate is eight inches in diameter. Both were made in the colors pink and crystal.
Two different cake plates were made in the Cameo Ballerina pattern. The three legged cake plate has a ten inch diameter and was made in the color green. The flat cake plate has a ten and one-half inch diameter and was made in the colors green and pink. This piece is could also considered as…
The Miss America sugar bowl was made in the colors pink, crystal, and ruby red. The ruby red color is rare.
The Spiral sandwich server has a handle in the center that has a rounded top. It is a solid glass handle, not open, and is primarily found in the color green.
The Mayfair Open Rose cookie jar has a separate lid and was made in the colors pink, blue, green, and yellow. The colors of green and yellow are the most rare. This piece has been reproduced.