Mayfair Open Rose Salt and Pepper Shakers

Two types of salt and pepper shakers were made in the Mayfair Open Rose pattern.  The footed salt and pepper pair was only made in pink and is extremely rare.  The flat salt and pepper pair was made in pink, green, blue, yellow, and crystal — with the green and yellow colors the most rare.  The flat salt and pepper has been reproduced.  Knowing the measurements of the original flat shakers versus the reproduction flat shakers is the easiest way to tell them apart.  The diameter of the opening on the original flat shakers is three-fourths inch and it is four and one-sixteenth inches tall.  The diameter of the opening on the reproduction flat shaker is five-eighths of an inch, and it is four inches tall.  Thus, the reproduction flat shaker lids will not fit on the original flat shakers because they are too small.

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